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It's WRITING Season: Put Down the Rosè & Pick up the PEN!

Enough with poolside drinking. Start WRITING.

writing joan didon

Darlings. I don't know about *you*—but for me, it's been a long summer. And I'm positively ~teeming~ with excitement for Fall.

writing zara barrie

Because here's the truth: as much as I dream about being one of those ~summer girls~ who glimmer in the shimmer of the sunshine—

I'm so not that girl.

Why? Because I'm a writer.

writing zara barrie close up

And Summer? Well, she's all about her pretty beaches, her coconut-y sun oil, her bronzy bare skin. None of which really uh, you know, "lend themselves" to the bold introspection and deep solidarity required if you want to really do some quality writing, babe.

The bottom line is that there's an energetic shift that happens after Labor Day Weekend. The dog days of summer are officially over. It's time to dig deep. Get cozy. Spin the darkest demons into literary gold.

It's writing season. Which means, it's time for everyone with a story to tell to start writing.

writing shoes

This is why I’m thrilled to announce that as of today (September 6th), I'm taking on a handful of *new* writing clients in my creative coaching practice, for the fall. And you better believe—I'm thrilled to nurture some new voices.

Why are you so stoked to work with new voices, Zara?

I'm glad you asked! Here's the tea: after publishing thousands of essays for a slew of digital and print publications, serving as a senior writer and executive editor for two magazines, writing two seasons of an original audio fiction series, signing as a writer with the Creative Artists Agency, and releasing my critically acclaimed debut book GIRL, STOP PASSING OUT IN YOUR MAKEUP—here's what I've learned in the journey: we all have a deeply powerful and compelling story to tell. All of us.

Including you.

And regardless of where you're from, what you've done with your life so far, or what your "literary" background has consisted of, your story needs to be told.

If you're feeling like there's no way you could ever write—you're not academic enough, you're not experienced enough, you're not smart enough (insert custom fear here)—I get it. If you had told me ten years ago I'd become a successful author signed by the biggest talent agency in the world? I would've cackled in your face and strutted back toward the department store sales job I detested but accepted because I didn't believe I was capable of doing what I actually wanted to do: write.

Real talk: my grades in high school were garbage. I was diagnosed with ADHD at five years old—every teacher I ever had told my parents that unless I was hopped up on an unorthodox amount of prescription stimulants—I'd never do anything with my life, let alone write books and run magazines.

And while I always possessed this burning impulse to write—I did whatever I could to suppress my creative desire.

Because I believed the lie. The lie that says: in order for us to be “good” writers we must emerge into the writing world with seamless academic track records.

Lucky for me, someone in the industry serendipitously stumbled across an old blog post I'd written at a low point in my life and saw my potential. This literary angel of mine helped me to hone my voice and then encouraged me to put my work out there. And when I finally did—I learned that writing is what I'm *meant* to do and how sad would it have been if I'd let my limiting beliefs stop me from living out my purpose?

I also learned that writing isn't just for the elite and the experienced. In fact, the most engaging writers in the world are outliers!

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Portrait of writing queen, JOAN DIDION.

And then I learned that it's never too late (or too early) to free the story burning inside of you.

And then came this liberating gem of truth: I learned that the qualities that traditional cultural institutions had shamed me for having—like my wild creativity, big imagination, and unabashed curiosity—were the exact same qualities that actually served me as a writer.

But mainly, I learned that no matter what's gone down in your life—if you're like me—and you have a voice inside of you telling you to write—you must honor that voice and write.

writing pep talk

And not just for your own creative expression, but for the culture. Writers are the backbone of our culture. And our culture desperately needs NEW VOICES.

Our culture needs your voice.

This is why I created my customizable, one-one-one writing coaching sessions all those years ago, and why I continue to offer them, even though it would be *so much* easier to create a one-note course that all of my clients follow. But this isn't school, honey. This is you. Your voice. Your life. Your words. Your art.

(If you'd like, watch the video below for a deep dive into what my writing coaching is like):

And my sessions are designed to work with your unique brain and to target your unique goals.

So whether you’re looking to blog, write that memoir, write fiction, start pitching editors at publications, level up your craft, fine-tune that book proposal, or write a transfixing personal essay, book a session with me. I’ve got you.

And together we’re going to:

1. Find your voice so that your writing has life!

Voice is what makes your writing feel intimate. Voice is what connects you to your readers on the deepest level and makes them feel as if they know you.

Once you’ve cultivated a strong and unique voice, anything you write will carry the ability to captivate an audience.

Whether it’s a short essay about your codependent relationship with your cat—or a book detailing your wild ride through the darkest depths of your past—voice is what brings your story to life.

If you don’t have voice, you don’t have anything. On the contrary, if you do have voice—you have everything.

2. Master the most important part of writing: the art of storytelling!

We’re going to explore the power of engaging dialogue. I’m going to teach you how to make the characters in your story so raw and so human your reader can viscerally feel their presence sparkle on the page.

And I’m going to give you the tools to kickstart your story with a sentence so gripping that your reader is hooked in a heartbeat.

Of course, I’m *also* going to teach you how to END your story with a punch in the gut so unexpected your reader will feel the burn of your words long after they’ve consumed them.

3. Push through your limiting beliefs about writing & unlock your creative magic!

Writer’s block can feel paralyzing. But through unique exercises that will silence the negative voices screaming through your brain—we’re going to unlock the creative magic that’s been stewing inside of you.

And your creative magic is a force so powerful it will hammer smash through all the blocks that have been holding you back from reaching your potential.

4. Find your brand & market your writing on social media!

Using images and music, we’re going to brand you as a writer in a way that feels one hundred percent authentic to who YOU ARE. You will leave my course with a deep understanding of how to market your work on social media, how to cultivate a relationship with your audience, how to attract the attention of an agent and how to generate buzz around your brilliant work — all while staying true to yourself and maintaining your integrity.

So stop putting it off. I know you’ve got words bursting through your body, words that are positively dying to spill themselves onto a blank page. Whatever your end goal is, allow me, to coach you through the process and together we’ll produce tangible results that will take your creativity, career and confidence to a whole different level.

All participants of my workshop will receive a free, signed copy of my book: GIRL, STOP PASSING OUT IN YOUR MAKEUP: THE BAD GIRL’S GUIDE TO GETTING YOUR SH*T TOGETHER, along with the audiobook!

My debut book GIRL, STOP PASSING OUT IN YOUR MAKEUP: THE BAD GIRL’S GUIDE TO GETTING YOUR SH*T TOGETHER is available NOW on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, AUDIBLE, and BAM! If you send me a screenshot of your order, I’ll send you swag!

Interested in life-coaching sessions with me? Learn more here.

writing zara barrie


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